Collegium Vocale Gent


© Michel Garnier

Your support is crucial…

The artistic and social ambitions of Collegium Vocale Gent require continuous investments that can not all be financed by subsidies and public revenue. Collegium Vocale Gent can only keep up the artistic values thanks to the support of many music lovers.
Your financial support enables Collegium Vocale Gent to grow and stay on top of the world. You can make plans possible for a strong artistic future and help realize our social and artistic goals.
Patrons are thus more than welcome!
We are delighted to offer you different formulas to support the Collegium Vocale Gent.
• Join the Friends community
• Become a Patron and support us with an extra donation
• Or become a business partner


Becoming a friend of Collegium Vocale Gent means becoming part of an active, passionate community that gets a deeper insight into the ins and outs of the singers and musicians.


Mecenassen gaan een stapje verder in hun engagement en betalen bovenop het vriendenlidgeld een extra gift.


Inne Helsen 
+32 476 77 99 90


Young Friend €25 for young people under 35
Friend €75 solo or €140 duo

To be paid into this friends account: BE44 0018 9906 0845

Your benefits

  • You will read about the extra benefits for the Friends in the Collegium Vocale Gent digital newsletter.
  • You will be invited to exclusive initiatives for the Friends such as lectures, meetings with staff and musicians, rehearsals of the Collegium Vocale Gent, concerts abroad, Festivals, etc.
  • Annual season presentation and meeting with the team
  • You will be mentioned as a member of the friends in their own publications
  • The new season presented to you in avant-première
  • Discounts when buying books, CDs, LPs, TV channel etc.


Tax deductible gift

You can support Collegium Vocale Gent with a tax deductible gift (for Belgian citizens only). These donations are optimally spent as part of the working budget.

From € 40 you will receive a tax certificate for this in the personal income tax that entitles you to a tax reduction of 45% on the sums paid.


Any donation can be made to account number BE97 0018 9906 1249 on the name of Collegium Vocale Gent with the message ‘Gift’. Collegium Vocale Gent in your will.

Duo-legacy : In addition to family and friends you can also include a charity in your will. Thanks to a duolegate you can support Collegium Vocale Gent and all benefactors will pay less inheritance rights.


Business Partner

With a donation in the amount of your choice, you immediately contribute to increasing the financial strength of Collegium Vocale Gent.
Your donation also means a highly appreciated moral support that helps concretely to realise our objectives.

  • Maecenas bronze
    € 250 + gift of your choice
  • Maecenas silver
    750 + gift of your choice
  • Maecenas gold
    € 1,500 + gift of your choice
  • Maecenas platinum
    € 3,000 + gift of your choice

For more info or if you wish to subscribe to one of the proposed formulas, please contact us.

Collegium Vocale Gent
Sophie Cocquyt
+32 477 449990

Your benefits

  • You will receive the Collegium Vocale Gent digital newsletter.
  • At most concerts, as a Friend you will be able to enjoy reductions on ticket prices. Through early group purchase, you will enjoy interesting discounts in advance sales for concerts in DeBijloke, deSingel, the Queen Elisabeth Hall, Concertgebouw Brugge, BOZAR or Flagey.
  • You will be invited to exclusive initiatives for the Friends such as lectures, meetings with staff and musicians, rehearsals of the Collegium Vocale Gent, concerts abroad, Festivals, etc.
  • Annual season presentation and meeting with the team
  • You will be mentioned as maecenas in its own publications (unless notified to the contrary)
  • Discounts when buying books, CDs, LPs, TV channel etc.
  • For every donation to Collegium Vocale Gent, you will receive a tax certificate. Private individuals enjoy a 45% tax reduction on their donation provided the donation is at least EUR 40
  • 2 concert tickets free of charge (Bronze)
  • 4 concert tickets free of charge (Silver)
  • 12 concert tickets free of charge (Gold)
  • 16 concert tickets free of charge (Platinum)