s Volgendo il ciel – Collegium Vocale Gent

Collegium Vocale Gent


30/04/2017 — 13:00
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ | Amsterdam | BE

Claudio MONTEVERDI (1567-1643)
*’Volgendo il ciel’*
_Selected madrigals from Book VI and VIII (1614/1638)_

Sestina “Lagrime d’amante al sepolchro dell’amata”
Dolcissimo uscignolo
Hor che’l ciel e la terra e’l vento tace
Altri canti di Marte, e di sua schiera
Ohime il bel viso
Lamento della ninfa
Volgendo il ciel per l’immortal sentiero

Dorothee Mields _soprano_
Barbora Kabatková _soprano_
Alex Potter _countertenor_
Samuel Boden _tenor_
Thomas Hobbs _tenor_
Peter Kooij _bass_
*Collegium Vocale Gent* (instr.ensemble)
Philippe Herreweghe


Volgendo il ciel

If there were one composer who embodies the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque, it would have to be Claudio Monteverdi. Born in 1567, in his long career as a violinist, singer, _maestro di capella_ and composer, he was at the Gonzaga court in Mantua and San Marco in Venice. His music walks the fine line between tradition and revolutionary innovation, whether sacred music, opera or madrigals.
This programme is a thrilling selection from two of Monteverdi’s most dramatically charged madrigal collections: _Il sesto libro de madrigali_ (1614) and _Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi_ (1638).