Giuseppe VERDI (1813-1901):
*Quatro pezzi sacri*:
Ave Maria – Laudi alla Vergine Maria – Stabat Mater – Te Deum
Franz LISZT (1811-1886):
*Eine Sinfonie zu Dantes Divina Commedia S.109*
Elisabeth Rapp _sopraan_
*Collegium Vocale Gent*
Philippe Herreweghe
The anticlerical Giuseppe Verdi wrote very little religious music, but he was pragmatic enough to balance his artistic and commercial needs. As a thoroughbred opera composer, he could also trusted to inject plenty of drama into religious repertoire, and no less so in his lovely _Quattro Pezzi Sacri_, written between 1889 and 1897. There’s more Italian musical drama in Franz Liszt’s spectacular _Dante Symphony_ from 1857, dedicated to his future son-in-law Richard Wagner. In true programmatic style, the orchestra and women’s choir undertake a terrifying journey from hell to the gates of paradise!