s Et in Arcadia ego – Collegium Vocale Gent

Collegium Vocale Gent


25/08/2024 — 21:00
Abbatiale Sainte-Marie | Souillac | FR

Works by Monteverdi, Marenzio, Rossi & contempories

Collegium Vocale Gent
Philippe Herreweghe


Et in Arcadia ego

Arcadia, a poetic idyll where the pleasures of nature, love and song take centre stage. What a contrast to the claustrophobic court life of the Italian Renaissance! Fleeing into a dreamed-of Golden Age, distinguished poets Tirsi, Filli, Clori and Amarilli unabashedly let their whimsical adventures full of ups and downs take place there. Madrigal composers were only too happy to take it up. Delicate repertoire in which Philippe Herreweghe is a master.