s An die Freude – Collegium Vocale Gent

Collegium Vocale Gent


22/05/2014 — 18:15
De Doelen | Rotterdam | BE

*Hanns EISLER* (1898-1962):
Gegen den Krieg

*Johannes BRAHMS* (1833-1897):
Schicksallied op.54

*Ludwig van BEETHOVEN* (1770-1828):
Symphony No.9 ‘Ode to joy’ op.125

Carolyn Sampson _sopraan_
Ann Hallenberg _alt_
Robin Tritschler _tenor_
Florian Boesch _bas_

*Collegium Vocale Gent*
Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
Philippe Herreweghe


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An die Freude

No other work has influenced the course of music history as definitively as the _Ninth Symphony_ by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Its astonished reception after its first performance on 7 May 1824 left generations of composers paralyzed. Never before had an individual artist’s urge for artistic freedom pushed the boundaries of a genre to such extremes. The addition of vocal soloists and a choir for the final movement was nothing short of revolutionary! Its huge dynamic variety and powerful emotions also made this work the breath-taking upbeat to the new Romantic age.