Collegium Vocale Gent is organising auditions for excellent choral singers and young soloists born after 1990, with an interest in all voice types, with a high grade of musicality, flexibility and experience in ensemble singing. Our main focus is the romantic repertoire, but singers interested in our polyphony, baroque and contemporary projects are also welcome.
Find out when, where, how!
The next auditions in 2024 will take place in :
Berlin (DE) 22-24 October 2024 [Studio Börne, Börnestrasse 45, Berlin-Weissensee] > fully booked – no more availability
Gent (BE) 5-7 November 2024 [Vlaamse Opera, Schouwburgstraat 3, 9000 Gent ] > fully booked – no more availability
Brugge (BE) 15-17 January 2025 [Concertgebouw Brugge, ’t Zand 34, 8000 Brugge] > fully booked – no more availability
They will be judged by Dominique Verkinderen and Matthias Lutze .
More information & contact: Dominique Verkinderen >
If not done already, the applicants are requested to send the following information and material to
You will be required to prepare:
1. An aria of your choice by J.S.Bach or G.F.Handel (at your chosen pitch of A=440 or 415 Hz)
2. A Lied of your choice from the romantic German repertoire (countertenors can sing a song by Dowland or Purcell for example).
3. For choir and ensemble singers – the motet ‘Singet dem Herrn’ BWV 225 by J.S.Bach (only the final part, from bar 256).
4. Soloists are requiered to sing an additional aria from the romantic repertoire.
Please note: Piano A = 440 or A = 415 for baroque repertoire
Readable and well organised scores must be sent by normal, unregistered mail to the accompanist at least 6 weeks before the auditions:
Professor Jonathan Alder | Stubenrauchstraße 4, 12161 Berlin | Germany
Please write on the scores whether you want 415/440 Hz
Collegium Vocale Gent
Dominique Verkinderen – casting and auditions
t +32 9 265 90 54 | m +32 475 97 67 97 |